Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Just a quick note -- internet has been sporatic -- 5 pounds for 1 hour at the hotel, and last night I couldn't even get on. London was a blast, we only had a day and a half to explore so we had to be selective although we saw a lot -- Buckingham Palace (and we did the tour, but missed the changing of the guard), Big Ben and Wellington bridge, Tower of London and Tower bridge, Millennium Bridge, St Paul and, Trafalgar Square. We had a drive in a London Black cab but also did a Lot of Walking!!! The only thing we missed that we really wanted to see was the British Museum... oh well we will have to come back!! Gotta go now to get our Chunnel train to our next stop --Paris -- we should be seeing the Mona Lisa this afternoon!! Hopefully internet in Paris...

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